I’m going to begin this blog with that ages-old, tired, lame
high school debate trick. I’m going to define the word I’d like to discuss.
Honestly, folks, it needs to be done this time. Please really read this
definition; try to get your mind around it.
exceptional (adjective)
1. Forming an exception: RARE
2. Better than average: SUPERIOR
3. Deviating from the norm: as
a. Having above or below average intelligence
b. Physically disabled
Have you read that? Have you absorbed it? Okay, now, let’s
get down to it.
Do you know anyone—anyone at all—who does NOT fit into that
Let’s take me, for example. I am definitely rare; I’m sure many
people would say, “Thank goodness for that!” I am an exception in lots of
ways: I dislike condiments, I’ve never seen E.T.,
and I memorize weird things (like the text from a nightshirt I had when I was
eight) but forget important ones (like whether I fed the dog last night).
In some ways, I’m better than average. I am probably
superior to most people in memorizing thirty-year-old nightshirts. On the other
hand, I fall far below average when it comes to the kind of intelligence that
lets you learn a series of actions by imitating someone else’s actions and I
always diagram three-dimensional situations backwards—just ask my physics,
math, and costume design teachers.
I might be considered physically disabled by my fear of
heights. It completely prevents me from doing certain things, like riding open
escalators. I also have flat feet, knocked knees, and a more-than-usually-lazy
left leg.
Does any of this keep me from functioning? No! I ride
elevators instead of escalators. I’ve read maps, followed sewing patterns, and even
designed costumes. I had to work a little harder at it, but I earned a black
belt. I just start from where I am and take the next step. And I’m not alone in
that. THAT is the one universal thing about how everyone learns.
Let me repeat that: EVERYONE learns by starting where they
are and taking the next step.
Now is the time on
sprockets when we rant…
So, let’s discuss the concept of “Exceptional Student
Education.” Based on our definition of exceptional
above, which students are NOT exceptional? When you consider the variables
(traditional intelligence, emotional intelligence, and all the seven other
types of intelligence, social maturity, learning style, perceptual differences,
physical differences, experiential differences, cultural differences,
neurological differences, and personality types) how can any one student be
exactly like another?
They can’t. There is no norm; average is an arbitrary
designation that applies to, at best, one or two of those variables. Any child
who makes it through the modern American school system without being considered
exceptional just hasn’t been caught yet.
Yes, I said caught.
Ever since I read it—in junior high
or high school, I forget which—“Harrison Bergeron” has been my nightmare. If
you haven’t read it, do. Kurt Vonnegut foretells a future in which everyone is
physically forced to be average. And
the folks in that world do a pretty good job covering the major variables
listed above.
Stop and think about education
today, though. Do we see where our children start and take them to their next
step? Or do we use social pressure to squish a large number of them into the
average mold (ignoring any exceptions
that we can possibly ignore—that we haven’t caught)
and then trim off the ones that won’t fit, shunting them into exceptional classes and schools?
Is the point of our current system
to educate each child or to treat the largest possible number of them in the exact same
way for a set number of years?
I realize there are huge practical
considerations involved in revolutionizing our education system, but I believe
it starts with a new mindset among consumers (taxpayers, parents, guardians, mental
health professionals, advocates, relatives, educators, doctors).
Rather than squabbling over
resources for each exceptional group, let’s look for ways to address that one
universal: every child starts somewhere and then takes the next step. Let’s
look at the success of multi-age classrooms, the success of Finland, the
success of team teaching, the success of peer teaching. Let’s educate, value,
and compensate teachers who have the ability to work with children as they come
to us.
Let’s look at the success of
martial arts, a centuries-old system that operates on the principle of setting
high expectations and progressing at an individual rate through the steps. The
steps are the same for each student, but the journeys are individual. No
student is “not enough” because each student must only do better than he or she
did last time. Every student can take ownership and responsibility and pride in
Let’s abandon useless conventions
like strict age-grade level correlations and trigonometry being a “better” math
than accounting. Let’s embrace real-world learning like the students who
designed a 100 mpg racecar. Let’s admit that not everyone needs to know how to scan a poem to live a
fulfilled life.
Yes, I, the poet revolutionary,
just said that. Not everyone needs—or wants—to know how to scan a poem.
Most of all, let’s make it a good
thing to admit that, in some instances, we are the fish and will never be able to
climb the damn tree. But we sure would love to challenge a three-toed sloth to
a race through a coral reef….
Disclaimer: My family is lucky to live in a county with great schools and our children have been
blessed to work with some gifted educators. But I’m going to write about what I
see and what I think about the system, whether our children are navigating it
pretty well or not.