Monday, November 12, 2018

Measuring a Month

Like any good theatre geek, I pretty much always have a soundtrack running in my mind. The epic "Seasons of Love" from Rent has been on my mind lately. I'm not trying to measure a year right now, but being out of our home has given us a distinct month to measure. And adding up the landmarks on our family's journey through the last thirty days has brought me joy.

Like the artists in the musical, we truly can measure our time in love. I cannot express the strength and patience my husband has shown throughout this process. I've watched with awe as our children have handled the increased driving, the decreased privacy and rest, and the general chaos of our days with good spirits and resilience. And our village has been there for us, as always--especially when it comes to understanding my distraction and unreliability!

So, we measure our days in love. And also these odd tidbits. Enjoy!
One experiment in viscosity at dinner time!

One birthday party with friends 
Two missed days volunteering at the school store
One student journalism conference 
One diorama built 
Three writing contests entered 
One birthday party with family
One Halloween party; one Halloween night
Sixty dog walks
One jar of peanut butter 
Two makeup days volunteering at the school store
One annual physical 
Fourteen circus practices 
One high school career fair
Two cold fronts
One road paving project begun and ended
Ten piano lessons
I now have a favorite laundromat!
Two overnight business trips 
One “Fall back” time change
Two trips to the laundromat 
Seven loaves of bread
One Election Day
Forty-two school lunches packed
Forty-two school drop-offs
Twenty-nine school pick-ups
One press night for the school paper
Fifteen collective pounds gained 
More than a few trips to circus!
One dental checkup 
Two haircuts
Three blogs written
Twenty-seven times housekeeping came
Five times housekeeping couldn’t come (the dog was in charge)
One formal dance 
One third of a black belt test
Nine doses of dog antibiotics
Thirty-one Belgian waffles 

And on we journey...