I only have one brother, and I didn't really pay much attention to him when he was five. I had eight-year-old things to do then, and we all know how important those are! (If you don't, ask someone who is eight; they will tell you.)
So I'm really enjoying exploring the world of my almost-five-year-old boy. I mean that literally. He's an introvert, so he enjoys his quiet time in his room after school. Every day, when I finish my work and go get him for snack, he has created a new world. Sometimes it's the solar system, sometimes a park, a train track, a museum, or a town with all of the above.
Solar system--with Pluto that time. |
He just recently discovered Transformers--robots? And vehicles? In one? Are you kidding? I thought he might explode. Of course, we have no Transformers as yet, so he made some....
See the green cement mixer and orange bulldozer turned into robots? |
And this whole amazing town with the "world's longest water slide" was inspired by a book illustration that showed a lot of people waiting (patiently) in line for said water slide...
See how the line of people in the book (spelling "patience") ends at the start of the slide? |
These little glimpses--okay, sometimes they're big glimpses and REALLY hard to walk around--into the complexities of his mind definitely educate me. It's a lot easier to be calm in the face of his frustration when I know how many things he's juggling in that brain of his. (I said easier, not easy!)
I'm glad my little guy can bring some of his world into ours--I like visiting there!
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