There will probably be an infinite number of parts to this
one, because mom friends are the best friends. I learned that—more by blind
instinct than any plan—when my oldest was about three months old.
Long ago, we moved to a new town where I knew no one. I
worked from home; our church community consisted mostly of retirees. No one in
our neighborhood seemed to come outside. My husband worked a solid half hour
away. And then we had a baby.
Long before I was ready for it, Big A. had to go back to
work and I stayed at home, alone, all day with the baby. I ran up a ridiculous
phone bill to my mom. I watched Oprah. I forced myself not to check the mail until
3:30 every day. And I swear the clock actually moved backwards when I was
waiting for 5:30 and my husband’s homecoming.
My sister-in-law, who’d already been through it, recommended
a group for moms that she enjoyed. I Googled and called and looked up
directions and found one nearby. I manipulated our nursing schedule and nap
schedule and hauled exactly one crap-ton of stuff with us to the meeting.
I hated it.
First of all, I don’t like meetings. I don’t like organized
activities. I especially don’t like mompetition (although we didn’t call it
that back then).
So I went the other way and tried another type of national
group. Turns out S. and I liked that one okay, but it only met once a month. So
we tried paying for a once-a-week Mommy and Me play class.
Not crazy about that one, either.
Actually, the playing part was okay. The “teachers” though—whoa.
Sometimes you just want to say something like, “Oh, I am SO glad to be here! My
kid hasn’t slept more than twenty minutes in days.” And then you want someone
to say, “Wow. That sucks.”
These people asked me things like, “So, how do you feel
about that?” and “Have you considered a more ___ technique?” or “When does she
eat?” and “Do you think you are parting her hair wrong?” STOP THE INQUISITION,
Then I stumbled across a weekly story time for babies at the
local library. We went into a peaceful, cheerful room, sat in a circle and sang
some nursery rhymes, did some clapping games, and listened to a book. That took
about twenty minutes. Then the kids crawled into a giant pile of toys in the middle
while the moms talked.
This worked for me. I like books. I like silly songs. I
loved letting S. play with other kids. I loved talking to real moms. We went to
this story time from the time S. was three months old until she aged out at
eighteen months. After a while, we all started going to the breakfast place across
the street for lunch afterward. You should have seen our table—yes, that would
be a table for sixteen or so with half high chairs.
I am still friends with so many of those moms. Others I just
run into around town, but I always love seeing them. And our kids! Holy moly,
they’ve grown.
And I’ve confessed to at least one mom that I always envied
her because she seemed so on top of things. You know what she said? “Oh, no—that
was you. YOU always had it together!” We both laughed at how wrong we’d been.
But that’s what the whole thing was all about. We learned that, as different as
we all are, we are all the same.
We look different, we choose differently, we have different
lives and different kids. But we all have hopes and fears and dreams and
worries. We also all had poopy diapers, endless laundry, sleepless nights,
humiliating moments in public, joyful moments of parental pride. And we learned
that it was all okay.
So that’s the first thought I'd like to throw out there. Mom friends know it’s all okay.