My husband and I have always worried about spoiling our
children. We love them profoundly and we want to give them everything we can.
We are pretty capable people, so we can give them a lot. It creates dilemmas.
For example, I know my strengths grew from my most
difficult times. I most certainly do not want my children to experience those
difficult times--ever. And if life does send them trials, I will be there for
them, one hundred percent. Yet I do want my children to be strong. So how do we
begin that? How do we prepare them for what comes, whether it's challenging or
not? not spoiling them?
So, when the kids were little, I offered my husband this
measure: as long as the kids appreciate what they have, they're not spoiled. I
am still not sure if that worked completely for him, but it gave me a
guideline. If they work hard (mostly) at their activities, then they appreciate
them. If they take care of their belongings (mostly), they appreciate them. If
they treat the people in their lives well (mostly), then they appreciate them.
I'm not going to go into details here--it's not
relevant-- but over the first half of the summer I noticed a disturbing and
growing lack of Appreciation* in our house. And I don't mean that in the sense
that I didn't feel appreciated. I mean that my dearly loved children were
losing their Appreciation for the blessings in their lives, the Appreciation
that brings true happiness. It showed in countless little ways, adding up to a
pervasive message of "I don't care."
Maybe it is just a stage. Maybe every kid goes through
it. I don't know.
One morning last week, as I tried to talk to them about
what we would do that day--and I had in mind a pleasant mix of our normal Chore
Day and some fun treats--I realized I was exerting all my willpower to get them
to let me give them a good day.
Life will not do that for them.
By striving to do so much for my children, I was failing
them. If I kept that up, they would learn to expect, to lean on, and to live
within a false reality. School will not struggle against apathy to give them
good grades. Jobs will not fix up the results of consistent laziness to pay
them. Happiness will not knock their doors down and invite itself to stay. As
an adult, I know that. As a parent, I need to teach my children that.
Yes, we make those efforts for babies and toddlers. We do
for them what they cannot do for themselves. Amen! I believe in unconditional
love and nurture for all children. Yet the expression of that unconditional
love has to change as the children show themselves capable of more.
My children's amazing (really--they're impressive!)
ability to resist my efforts to give them good stuff was a wakeup call. I
thought, If they can do this, what else
can they do? I mentally created a checklist of a lot of things that they
can do—things that, unfortunately, I had been doing for them. I'm ashamed to
admit it, but you know why...because it's easier/faster/less stressful to do it
I had to do the hardest thing any parent does--let them
see the natural consequences of their choices. So that day, I didn't force them
to do anything. I didn't cajole, order, request, persuade, or remind. I let
them do as they chose.
They managed okay until dinner time. When I didn't spend
hours tracking their screen time, calling them to help with the meal, asking
them to sit down at the table, they noticed. After the surprise, they came to
the table--literally and figuratively.
We talked about how while we, as their parents, love them
and support them, it's time they started investing in their lives and
Appreciating their blessings. We talked about examples. We went to bed on a
good note.
It was by no means the end of this lesson. We will be
working on this one for a while! I will be constantly striving to remember that
my goals is to teach these humans I've been blessed to know--that I want them
to learn how to fish for all the good stuff in life, even though it's easier to
just hand it to them.
In all, the day I decided to stop giving them fish may be
one of the hardest days I've had. I felt like I took a huge risk--though what I
risked, I'm not sure. It exhausted me emotionally. I would have loved to find a
better way. Maybe, for us, that was the way. Who knows?
I do know that I believe true Appreciation is the
foundation for contentment, resilience, and happiness. I know I could never
have made it through that day if I didn't love them with every molecule of my
being. I wish I knew instantly if it worked, but I don't. Even when you invest
fully in your goals, results don’t come that easily.
That's life!
*Appreciation with
a capital "A" refers not only to the traditional definition, but also
to the ideas Dan Baker discusses in his book, What Happy People Know.
I'm already noticing this with H. I had all these fun things planned for him yesterday and he somehow managed to sabotage every one, and I thought the exact same thing: I'm trying to provide him with this awesome day! Why do I have to pull the participation out of him? Granted it had to do with the trial and error with his nap time this week, but it got me thinking about this very topic. Am I teaching him to expect every day is full of amazing things, simply handed to him? I know he's still very young and I will continue to hand him most things/experiences, but this post got me thinking about the future. Thanks!!