Thursday, March 15, 2012

Women in the Woods

Why Girls Should Go Into the Woods
Okay, yes, with adult supervision. Did I really need to say that? And I’m all for boys going into the woods, too, but that’s not my thing right now.

Really, this blog came about because I recently learned that Girl Scouts wants to cut back on the “Three Cs: Camping, Crafts, and Cookies” and teach girls to be leaders.

Hello? I thought we taught leadership using Camping, Cookies and…well, Crafts are really just bribes to get them to go Camping.

Maybe I’m too efficient. But here, in honor of Girl Scouting’s 100th Anniversary, are my thoughts on

Why Girls Should Go Into the Woods
1.     In the woods, there are no boys, mirrors, or media-generated fantasy images of women.
2.     There are no TVs, computers, phones, or other electronic devices in the woods.
3.     Friends find each other in the woods.
4.     Things get wet, dirty, cold, sweaty, and buggy in the woods.
5.     If you want to sleep dry in the woods, you have to set up your tent right.
6.     If you want to eat in the woods, you have to make it all happen yourself.
7.     Charades, games, skits, songs, and flashlight tag.
8.     Screaming and/or giggling won’t break a stick, kill a bug, or pound in a tent stake. But a little determination and effort might. You might even do all three at once!
9.     Reading yourself to sleep by flashlight—with five good friends.
10.   S’mores.
11.   In the woods, grown women get things done and don’t care if they get sweaty and dirty.
12.   You wash your hair with cold water and dish soap—if you wash your hair.
13.   Did I mention dirt, bugs, sweat?
14.   There are no boys, mirrors, or media-generated fantasy images of women.
15.   Everyone should play as if no one’s watching.

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