Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tough Mudder: The Final Countdown Pt 1

As the big event approaches, I thought it might be fun to chronicle my thoughts in these last few days. Since I don’t have many thoughts worth reading, I’m giving you the “Is too much—let me sum up” version. Over the next four days, I will post my notes from the final sixteen days before the Tough Mudder. Got that?

Yeah. Me neither.

TM minus 16
As my little app so cheerfully reminds me, I’m sixteen days away from the Tough Mudder. I bought my gear yesterday, including my very first Under Armour item. I felt like a bad*ss, yes, I did.

I’m nowhere near where I wanted to be. I’m carrying an extra ten pounds, my thighs are more “developed” and my arms less developed than I’d hoped, I haven’t run the distances I hoped for, and—worse—I feel old.

But ten years ago, I tested for my black belt one week after I’d been flat on my back in bed with the flu and a double ear infection. So, yeah.

Bring it, Tough Mudder.

TM Minus 15
Well, I watched a couple of TM videos today and remembered that it’s not all monkey bars. For the most part, TM is just like playing soldiers with my brother and his friends when we were kids. I can do that!

Plus, I survived my workout, so that’s always good for morale!

TM Minus 14
Well…. It’s overcast and sixty degrees. First time I’ve actually worried about the weather. On the other hand, canoeing for two hours with Girl Scouts—great upper body workout.

TM Minus 13
So, 4.8-mile run this morning, then—with kids in tow—two hours of yard work, groceries, laundry, lunch. And I feel good, so at least I qualify as a tough mother!

 Trust me, this emotional roller coaster starts off slow, but gets more exciting as it goes.  Besides, you have to hang in there until Saturday to see if I survive, despite signing the Death Waiver. Feel the suspense?  

And if I do live, I have promised to post "dirty" pictures of myself online. Woohoo!

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